Thursday, March 22, 2007 - A video iPod owners dream!

Hey there, long time no entry. I've had a request for a post about so here it is.

Picture this, you're on YouTube or some other site with flash based videos and you find one that you really really want to be able to put on your iPod so you can watch it again and again while traveling or whatever. Well, is your solution. Fast, simple and straight-forward.

Here's the steps, and there aren't many of them:

Step 1: Go to youtube and find the "URL" to the video and copy it. It looks like this:

Step 2: browse to (don't put the www on that url!). Paste the URL you got from youtube into the URL box on vixy's site.

Step 3: Choose "MP4 for iPod/PSP (MPEG4 + AAC)" from the drop down list.

Step 4: Click Start and wait ...
Notes: Be sure to stay on the page and let it finish. It'll take a little bit of time. Basically what is happening is, on your behalf, goes to youtube and get's the video, then re-codes the video to the type that you selected in the drop down list, and then, when all that is done, it'll give you a download of the newly encoded video.

Step 5: When the download box is presented to you, save the file to your hard drive and then add it to iTunes as you would any other mp3 or video.

Step 6: Sync your iPod with iTunes and you're done!

Have fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since you told us about this a week ago, it's become my new FAVOURITE techie trick! I've told all of my co-workers and they think I'm a genius! After I soak up the glory for a few minutes then I relent and give you the real credit. It's nice while it lasts though! :D

Thanks again!
Lori corner